sâmbătă, 6 noiembrie 2010

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

vineri, 22 octombrie 2010

Adio reciclare in sectorul 6!

Nu credeam ca ma mai poate soca ceva in tara asta dar uite ca totul este posibil.
In sectorul 6 au disparut pubelele pentru reciclarea hartiei, plasticului si sticlei. Este in aceeasi masura incredibil si revoltator.

Astazi am vrut sa duc "reciclabilele" la pubelele situate foarte strategic si vizibil pe artera principala si, surpriza, ia pubelele de unde nu-s.

Probabil s-au gandit ca si-au declarat indeajuns dragostea pentru mediu in cei doi ani de cand au postat aceste pubele in mijlocul intersectiei si este timpul sa le adune.

Sau poate acele pubele erau modele demo si urmeaza sa fim informati ca daca vrem sa reciclam trebuie sa le cumparam de la firma fiul cumnatului varului socrului cuiva de la conducere.

In incheierea ofului meu propun sa donam acelor oameni minunati care au luat aceasta decizie cate un ou..de prepelita. Aparent ouale de prepelita intensifica activitatea cerebrala si poate, cine stie, sinapsele lor nu vor mai fi manuale.

marți, 24 august 2010

Pics From Mount Olympus :)


joi, 25 martie 2010

The Shutter Island - A Candy Thriller

I went to see "Shutter Island" yesterday with a friend. It was only one friend because the other one said that it's a scary movie so she wouldn't see it. Hearing this, my hopes just got high and from not being very convinced to go see it in the first place I started counting the hours. What can I say, I love a good scary movie.

So, we got there, the movie started, and......nothing ..no, no, really now, I mean .. Nothing!..
The movie has all the right ingredients: the water dripping from the ceiling, the flickering lights, the screaming in the background.. everything.. they're just... not mixed right I supose...
I must admit it has a nice twist at the end. You kind of start expecting something like that but you can't put your finger on it until the end.
During the movie there are inconsistencies that are placed intentionally in order to make you think and reanalyze certain aspects but they are not enough to really make you doubt the outcome.
It's a good movie overall but it's not exceptional as you would expect from a Scorsese movie. Leonardo DiCaprio is far from being my favorite actor but I must admit he does a pretty damn good role in this movie.

Make your own lantern for Earth Hour


miercuri, 17 martie 2010

"Remeber Me" the movie - an Over Budgeted Memorial Plate

I haven’t' seen the trailer before seeing the movie, I only read some posts about it. It didn't sound very promising but I decided to give it a chance. You know, the best movies are the ones you don't expect them to impress you and they do. So, there I was, expecting nothing but hoping for the best.
The movie had a strong effect on me, but I doubt is the one the producers were hoping for. I am going to "remember" this movie as being the worse movie I’ve seen in a long time.
It describes the lives of people who have known the loss of a dear one. And you start thinking that that's the point of the movie. The drama of their broken lives and the struggle to carry on living. Well, wrong! That is not it!
The only point the movie has, is made in the last 5 minutes.
It's a lame movie that wants to climb on the box offices by using The Twin Towers attack, not by its script, not by its directing, not by its actors but by using this totally unfortunate event.
The movie prays on people's grief and despair. If there aren't already, there should be laws against people making money out of people's grief.

There is though a plus to all this. This movie got me so angry that I felt like sharing this burst of emotions, so I’ve started writing again on my blog :D There is always a positive side to everything.